The main goal of the final scientific workshop of the ARKTALAS Hoavva project was to assess the state of the art in use satellite measurements in synergy with in-situ data and modelling tools to characterize and quantify the processes driving changes in the Artic sea ice and Arctic Ocean. This was in particular tailored to the following major interlinked and cross-disciplinary Arctic Scientific Challenges (ASC) addressed in the Arktalas Hoavva project:
- ASC-1: Characterize Arctic Amplification and its impact
- ASC-2: Characterize the impact of more persistent and larger area of open water on sea ice dynamics
- ASC-3: Understand, characterize and predict the impact of extreme event storms in sea-ice formation
- ASC-4: Understand, characterize and predict the Arctic ocean spin-up.
In so doing the status of the published and submitted scientific papers to international peer review journals (see list below) under this Arktalas Hoavva project were presented and assessed in respect to achievements and findings relevant to the four ASC. Moreover
Paper 1: Response of Total and Eddy Kinetic Energy to the recent spin up of the Beaufort Gyre (Relevant ASC-4).Published in Journal of Oceanography in 2019 by H. Regan, C. Lique, C. Talandier and G. Meneghello. https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-19-0234.1
Paper 2: Observational evidences of eddy-sea ice interactions in the pack-ice and in the MIZ (Relevance to ASC-2). Published in Geophysical Research Letter in 2020 by A. Cassianides, Camille Lique, Anton Korosov. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL092066
Paper 3: Wind-wave attenuation under sea ice in the Arctic: a review of remote sensing capabilities (Relevant to ASC-2). Published in Journal of Geophys. Res.-Ocean by Fabrice Collard, Louis Marie, Frederic Nouguier, Marcel Kleinherenbrink, Frithjof Ehlers, and Fabrice Ardhuin. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JC018654
Paper 4: Modelling the Arctic wave-affected marginal ice zone, comparison with ICESat-2 observations (Relevant to ASC-2). Published in Philosophical Transactions A by G. Boutin, T. Williams, C. Horvat and L. Brodeau. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2021.0262
Paper 5: Driving mechanisms of an extreme winter sea-ice breakup event in the Beaufort Sea (Relevance to ASC-3). Geophys. Res. Letter, 22. June 2022 by Jonathan W. Rheinlænder, Richard Davy, Einar Olason, Pierre Rampal, Clemens Spensberger, Timothy D. Williams, Anton Korosov, Thomas Spengler. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL099024
Paper 6: The Arctic amplification and its impact: A synthesis through satellite observations (Relevance ASC-1) Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 1354. by Esau, I.; Pettersson, L.H.; Cancet, M.; Chapron, B.; Chernokulsky, A.; Donlon, C.; Sizov, O.; Soromotin, A.; Johannesen, J.A. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15051354
Paper 7: Impact of sea-ice friction on tidal modelling in the Arctic Ocean (Relevance ASC-1) To be submitted to tbd by M. Cancet et al., 2022.
Paper 8: Changes in the Arctic Ocean: Knowledge gaps and Impact of future satellite missions Satellite missions for the Arctic Ocean (Relevant to all ASCs). Under review in Remote Sensing by S. Lucas, J.A. Johannessen, M. Cancet, L.H. Pettersson, I. Esau, J. Rheinlaender, F. Ardhuin, B. Chapron, A. Korosov, F. Collard, S. Herlédan, E. Olason, C. Donlon.
The ARKTALAS Hoavva final scientific workshop took place at UNIS in Longyearbyen.
The ARKTALAS final scientific workshop report is available here.
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